The Basics of Speech Preparation and Writing

The Basics of Speech Preparation and Writing

Similar to any other pieces of work, speech delivery requires prior preparation. A well-planned speech prevents a poor performance; thus, a considerable amount of preparation time is highly recommended. This early stage involves a number of activities, including content planning, data gathering, speech organization, and speech rehearsal.


To open your speech, you want to create that great first impression at first sight. Grab the attention of your audience, preferably with a visual aid or a worthy opening statement.

Maintain their attention until the end of the speech with an effective adoption of storytelling. Letting your audience go through the journey in your story is more engaging than merely providing facts.


In addition , defining your key messages is one of the first steps in preparing your speech. Make sure your main ideas are simple and straightforward. Your goal is to deliver a speech that your audience can easily grasp. Once you’ve set the purpose of your speech, use the storytelling element to explain your message. Writing, practicing, and delivering your speech is the next steps after preparation.


In conclusion, before writing your speech, plan out what you want to convey and do research in terms how your storytelling will illustrate what you want to convey.

After you’ve gathered all the necessary materials for your speech, the next task is putting them altogether. Pour out all your content. Do not make any revisions to any words, sentence structures, or grammar. The goal is to first to have all your ideas written down.

Structuring your speech is what follows next, this is where you need to organize your speech into the beginning, middle, and end. Discover ways to hook your audience, from the start right through to the end, because a good hook can successfully retain your audience’s attention.

Reaching the end of your speech, you want to have an impactful ending with a clear message. Conclude with an inspirational quote or a meaningful message that is related to your key messages and that your audience can easily remember.

You can improve your speech delivery skills by signing up for a Business English Class at English Today, Bandung’s leading English training service. Our trainers are committed in helping you boost your skills in giving a speech, from preparing, writing, and even to a successful delivery of your speech. 



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